Ocean Sports & Fitness Day
Presented by The Boys & Girls Club of Hawaii, HIC, Volcom & The Duke Foundation, each year the keiki of The Boys and Girls Club get to hit the surf at Kailua’s Kalama Beach during the Annual Ocean Sports and Fitness Day. HIC and Volcom partnered with the Outrigger Duke Kahanamoku Foundation (ODKF) and the Boys & Girls Club of Hawaii (BGCH), give Hawaii youth the opportunity to learn to surf, bodyboard, paddle canoe and play volleyball. All in the spirit of Duke Kahanamoku.
The Ocean Sports and Fitness Day provides a unique opportunity for BGCH members to spend a day learning beach and ocean sports, health, fitness and ocean safety. The participating keiki come from five Boys & Girls Club of Hawaii locations around Oahu, including Waianae, Nanakuli, Ewa Beach, Honolulu and Windward Oahu. For many of the keiki this was their first opportunity to learn to surf, even though they have grown up in the birthplace of the sport.

Ocean Sports & Fitness Day is held annually in April,
For more info visit: bgch.com